The last words: 52/52

A flat brown package arrived at my door the other day. I had no idea what it could be. I hadn't ordered anything. It must be a birthday present, I thought, and I brightened, wondering gleefully what it might be and who might have sent it. A thing about getting older that is both terrific … Continue reading The last words: 52/52

Road to the White Blouse

"Hang on!" I yell from upstairs, even though my family is ready to leave, and in the car, which is packed for the airport and behind schedule. "I just have to change my shirt real quick." Even my daughters, who are more astute than their father and brothers in these matters, will detect no appreciable … Continue reading Road to the White Blouse

Portrait of the mom at graduation

I do not know why Commencement speakers bother giving speeches to the graduates. They are mostly not listening. The Young Adults Formerly Known As Our Children arrive at this day and at the stage proud, and celebratory, relieved and optimistic. They are happy to be with each other and—at least until somewhat later in the … Continue reading Portrait of the mom at graduation

Past the horizon

I must have once known more than their last names: Hudson, Columbus, Magellan, Verrazzano. Surely once I knew all and not just some of their first names: where they started out, what they discovered, the names of some of their boats. But I have forgotten most all of that now. I am only even reminded … Continue reading Past the horizon