Out of the box

I took the huge cardboard box down from the attic. It was the first time in decades that I'd really looked at it, even though we'd moved it several times, even though I had always known exactly where it was: behind the Halloween costumes, next to the sole surviving box of craft supplies. The box was covered … Continue reading Out of the box

Ants on a blog

I had left my day job, and was looking forward to a summer schedule, but I also knew that writers need structure, and that I very much need structure, or nothing gets done.  I was looking for a way around that, when I thought of the #52for52 thing. I love writing so much when I'm … Continue reading Ants on a blog


I watched in stunned disbelief as my friend's face started to change, to screw up into a shape in which I had never, in all the years I have known her, seen it before. Hers is an exceptionally expressive and lovely face, but this was so unfamiliar that I didn't know what was happening at … Continue reading Found

The golden hour

The school year ended quietly at my house. It was a tough year coming to a close, on an unseasonably cool and cloudy day. A cold and broken Hallelujah. Thank you GOD, I think, I move the early-alarm button back one click to the "off" position, we made it. It's ovah. It's not all the … Continue reading The golden hour

How Breast Cancer Comes Back: 10 Things to Know

The news that Olivia Newton-John's breast cancer has returned, a full 20 years after her original diagnosis and treatment, has many wondering, How does this even happen? A diagnosis of stage IV, or metastatic breast cancer (MBC) brings with it a life-changing and ongoing process of grieving and adjustment and treatment changes. This can be … Continue reading How Breast Cancer Comes Back: 10 Things to Know