Comfort food

This is not a true story. This is a totally made up story which, if you do not know, is called fiction, so if you think that you might recognize the characters in my made up story, you must be mistaken. As a Real Writer, I have easily conjured the people in the story; it … Continue reading Comfort food

The Magician & the Queen of Hearts

Writing from prompts is so much fun, because the outcome is almost always a complete surprise. For me, it is exactly how Forrest Gump described a box of chocolates: "You never know what you're going to get."  I wrote this quickly, mostly focused on making silly rhymes, but reading it now, I guess today's Daily Prompt: … Continue reading The Magician & the Queen of Hearts

Riding the Struggle Bus

In first grade, I took the public bus to school. The hometown of my youth, today a tony and sprawling suburb of Baltimore and D.C., was just a slice of Americana then, a small boating town where everyone knew everyone. Like most of the moms in our neighborhood, my mom had the car once a week, just one … Continue reading Riding the Struggle Bus

A letter to the baby of our family

We need to have a talk. It’s about something important. It’s about who your parents are. You've noticed, I'm sure, that sometimes I treat you differently than your older siblings. Well, there’s a reason for that. You're old enough now, and it’s time we talked about it. You have a different mom than the other … Continue reading A letter to the baby of our family